T-Shirt | Brown

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$ 22.22 USD

High-end streetwear tee attached to the release of the book.

Shrink-Free - Heavyweight fabric and boxy frame can withstand repeated washings without losing size or texture quality.

Vintage Aesthetic - Pigment/reactive garment-dyeing process on premium fabric to achieve a faded, retro, washed-out look.

Oversized and Versatile - The perfect apparel for any occasion. It feels thick, protective, soft, and breathable — a true heavyweight classic with an oversized fit.

Stylized Durability - Relaxed silhouette finished with reinforced seams and a ribbed crew neck collar for added durability.

100% Cotton

6.5 oz weight

This textile is durable and absorbent and is virtually shrink free as a result of garment dyeing. The garment is washed with natural enzymes, resulting in a broken-in feel, just like a T-shirt that was washed or worn for a decade or two. Its special features include its heavy and sturdy feel and combined with a more generous fit (about 1 wider on the flat then a contemporary T-shirt) and higher neck line.

Please note: Pigment dyed garments are specially dyed for one of a kind coloring. Please note that color transfer may occur, especially when wet.  We recommend washing this garment separately in cold water.

Available Sizes: XS - XL

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Frequently asked questions

How does the preorder work?

All items are limited pre order only, meaning once the pre order is open you pay up front to secure your items. When the limited number of items has been hit the pre order will close and you can no longer purchase the items. Once the preorder is closed, the items will be finalized and you will be updated with shipping dates.

When can I expect my items to ship?

Due to the nature of the pre order and the one of one quality of each item, I can't guarantee an exact shipping timeframe. Once the preorder closes, I will finalize the production and one of one aspects of each item before shipping. I will keep everyone updated on timelines via email and social media.

What's Nostalgia Now? 

Nostalgia Now is a film photography book with a collection of shots from 2019 - 2023. It's my humble attempt to channel Nostalgia in the current moment, in the here and Now. A delicate dance with the universe to capture lighting in a bottle. A spark to ignite your creative inspiration.

Why do I have to order my items separately?

Each item has a different individual shipping rate in order to make this as affordable as possible for everyone. For example, the film book has a "media mail" shipping option that is only applicable to books, DVDs, magazines, etc and is the most cost effective option to use for shipping. If you buy a shirt or hoodie on the same order, the media mail shipping is no longer an option.